Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Day of Summer in Seattle

Well, summer is here at last and the residents in Seattle, WA are still waiting for the temperature to break 75 degrees. Thus, this year's growing season has been somewhat of a challenge for summer crops. At least my broccoli and peas are loving the cooler temperatures. Usually, I harvest my peas the first week of July since Alderman variety take a whopping 120 days to mature. The pic below speaks for itself. Anyway, the celery is coming along nicely. The summer lilies are almost ready to begin blooming. Furthermore, I've planted green beans between the pea trellis' and the potatoes that have already taken over the NE corner. Most of the replacement Jubilee corn starts in the newly clear 70sf are thriving. A few plants didn't make it and will need to be replaced. Also, I harvested my carrots that were grown from transplants. They ended up all twisted and gnarled, but were mostly edible.
Finally, the pots on my deck with a half dozen different species of cyclamen are showing signs of growth. The C. intaminatum had 5 small leaves up until a couple of weeks ago two leaves withered and died. Fortunately, there are around 4 to 5 new leaf stalks poking up out of the soil. The plant is beginning to thrive. In addition, and most exciting news of all, my C. purpurascens that I acquired at Swanson's Nursery last year is growing like crazy. When I purchased the plant it had 4 flower stalks in bloom. The plant currently has around two dozen flower buds about to bloom shortly. Also, some newer leaf stalks are also shooting out to the sides. I'll half to transplant the plant after this growing season. I'll post some pics as soon as it is in full swing, but until then here is the first bloom of the season...

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